Ci My Do

Beyond the classroom, I'm constantly immersed in the ever-evolving landscape of design trends and technologies. I thrive on challenges that push the boundaries of creativity and innovation, always striving to find unique solutions to complex problems.

My Education

I'm Ci My, a senior at DePaul University, where I'm pursuing a major in UX Design.As I near the culmination of my academic journey, I'm eager to channel my fervent passion for design into real-world projects, making meaningful contributions to the UX landscape.

  • UI/UX Design - 2020-2024 at DePaul


With a passion for creating seamless user experiences, I thrive on utilizing a diverse set of tools including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Visual Studio Code, Figma, Sketch, and Adobe XD. From wireframing to prototyping, I'm dedicated to crafting intuitive designs that resonate with users. As I approach graduation, I'm excited to leverage my skills and tools to make a tangible impact in the world of design

  • Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, XD.
  • Figma
  • HTML & CSS
  • Prototyping
  • WordPress
  • Wireframing

About me


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